We assume your child will use the same method of transportation each day. If there is a change in transportation, the school requires a written note stating how your child should travel home. If we do not have a written note, we will have the student use the normal transportation method. Transportation changes will not be made over the phone, so please make arrangements with your child prior to the start of school.
Car Rider Safety
Car riders should be dropped off and picked up on the front left side parking lot. The right side driveway beside the school is designated solely for school buses. Parents are asked to exercise caution when children are entering and leaving the building, and when other vehicles are moving through the parking lots. Please follow these safety procedures:
If you need to come into the building, completely park in a designated parking spot.
- Adhere to the established traffic flow pattern (arrows on pavement).
- Do not block the driveway.
- Drop off and pick up your child only at the designated areas.
- Do not leave your car unattended with the motor running.
- Do not pass cars in the driveway unless motioned by the staff on duty.
- Promptly pick your child up by 3:15 pm.
- Encourage your child to look for you and be ready to load the car immediately.
Bus Safety
School bus safety is of utmost importance. Riding the bus is a privilege given by the state of North Carolina, which may be withdrawn for misbehavior or for any other reason deemed necessary by the principal. With this privilege, comes certain expectations, students should:
- Follow the driver’s instructions
- Remain seated while the bus is in motion
- Keep hands, arms, legs, and objects to themselves
- Refrain from morally degrading conduct
- Refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, or vandalizing the bus
- Sit as directed by the bus driver, principal, or designee
- Get on bus assigned to student
Students will be suspended for delaying the bus schedule or for violating any of the previously mentioned rules. When a student displays inappropriate behavior, the bus driver will record it on a discipline referral and give it to an administrator; parents will receive notification of bus referrals. The administrator will conference with the student and determine the appropriate consequence. If the bus driver brings the student back to school and it is determined that the student is too disruptive to continue home on the bus that day, the student will wait for the parent to pick them up. If a student is suspended from riding the bus, it is the parent's’ responsibility to provide transportation to and from school. A failure to report to school as the result of a bus suspension will be considered an unexcused absence. Students who are suspended from the bus must be picked up by 3:15. A bus suspension is not considered a suspension from school. Students are to ride the bus to which they are assigned. If parents want their child to get on or off the bus at a location other than the child’s home, they must request permission to do so from the principals. Students are to bring written notes from their parents and present them to the office upon arrival to school each morning. In most cases the permission will be granted with an official bus pass being given to the student before the end of the day. This bus pass is to be given to the bus driver.