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Athletics Information

Each child participating in a sport at N.L. Dillard Middle school must have a physical and a concussion form on file. 

The concussion form must be completed by both the a parent/guardian of the student-athlete and the student-athlete himself in front of any coach here at Dillard Middle School. 


Girls’ Sports: Softball, Tennis, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer

Boys’ Sports: Football, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball

Students at N.L. Dillard Middle school have many opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities.  Interscholastic athletics are offered for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students; 6th grade students are not eligible to participate in football per state regulations.  Students must meet eligibility requirements in order to try out for a sports team.

  • Academic Eligibility: A student must pass all but one less than the number of core classes offered per semester.
  • Students must receive a medical examination once every 365 days by a physician.
  • Students must be less than 15 years of age on or before October 16th of the current school year.
  • Student must be district approved and  provide adequate insurance coverage.
  • Students and parents must attend one concussion meeting for each school year.
  • Students can not have missed more than 13.5 days of school per semester.