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Dress Code


Dress Code

The Caswell County Board of Education respects a student’s right to choose his or her style of dress or appearance.  However, students are expected to adhere to standards of cleanliness and dress that are compatible with the requirement of a good school environment.  If a student’s dress or lack of cleanliness is such that it constitutes a threat to health or safety, the principal or principal’s designee may require the student and student’s parent or guardian to take appropriate action to remedy the situation.  In addition, if a student’s dress or appearance is so unusual, inappropriate or lacking in cleanliness that it clearly disrupts class or learning activities, the student may be required to change his or her dress or appearance. The principal or principal’s designee shall handle violations of this policy with the following consequences.  

  • The first violation of this policy shall result in a warning.
  • The second violation will result in phone call or a conference with the student’s parents/guardians and the student either changing clothes or remaining in ISS until clothes are brought to school or until the end of the school day.  
  • The third violation shall be in-school punishment as determined by the principal or principal’s designee such as ISS.  
  • A fourth violation of this policy during the school year shall result in either ISS or a short-term suspension from the Caswell County School District for up to three (3) days.  
  • A fifth violation of this policy during the school year shall result in a short-term suspension from the Caswell County School District for up to 10 days of the school year.  A subsequent violation may result in long-term suspension. The principal, in lieu of long-term suspension, may assign the student to a Board of Education approved alternative program.

Principals will maintain guidelines to assist students in determining appropriate dress and appearance for school, copies of which will be made available to parents and students in the school’s student handbook.  Items listed below shall be included in all school guidelines and shall apply to all students. Reasonable accommodations will be made by the school principal or principal’s designee for those students who, because of age, a sincerely held religious belief, cultural heritage, or medical reason request a waiver of a particular guideline for dress or appearance.  Exceptions may be granted by the principal for students involved in special duties, activities, or projects approved by the school. This would include but not be limited to: athletics, vocational classes and projects, special events, or other activities that would allow for non-conforming dress on a school campus. The dress code is as follows:

  • Clothing must be age appropriate, not disruptive to the teaching-learning process, and cannot be provocative, revealing, indecent, vulgar, or obscene. The principal or the principal’s designee will make the determination.
  • Hats, sweatbands, bandannas, sunglasses will not be worn inside the school building.
  • There will be no jewelry affixed to a student’s body which poses a health risk, safety risk or is disruptive to the learning environment of the school. The principal or principal’s designee will determine.
  • Abnormal hair color will not be allowed (i.e., sprayed or dyed blue, green, orange, etc.) that poses a health risk, safety risk or is disruptive to the learning environment of the school. The principal or the principal’s designee will make the determination.
  • Clothing must be worn appropriately (nothing inside-out, backwards, unfastened bib overalls, belts must be buckled and worn at the waist line, etc.) Shirttails (including jersey’s) must be tucked in if they are longer than the length of the fingertips.
  • Clothing will not be allowed which promotes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and the use of controlled substances, depicts or promotes violence, displays sexual pictures or words or negative expressions or is of a disruptive nature.
  • Clothing will not be allowed that is intentionally shredded or torn.
  • Tight clothing such as knit or spandex bicycle/biker pants or overly tight pants are not allowed.  The principal or his designee will determine this.
  • Clothing is not to be sheer or mesh and cannot have excessive holes. No skin exposure is allowed above the knee.
  • Proper footwear that is safe is required.  Shoes that have laces must be laced, tied and fit. Rubber or vinyl (shower shoes) flip-flops or slides are not to be worn at school during regular hours of instruction.
  • Undergarments are not to be visible.
  • The hem of skirts/shorts and dresses must be no higher than 3 inches above the top of the kneecap. Wearing tights, spandex, or leggings does not exempt students from this rule.
  • No sagging pants are allowed.  Pants are to be worn at the waist (no exceptions).
  • Shirts and blouses may not be tank top or have spaghetti straps, one strap or no straps.  Shirts and blouses must cover the waist, no exposed midriff.
  • Those clothing articles, accessories that are identified as being related to a group or gang who provoke others to act violently or be intimidated by fear of violence or are potentially dangerous shall not be worn on the campus or at any school activity.

Even in cases where exemptions are granted, if the application of this exemption results in substantial disruption in the school or if the application of this exemption adversely affects the health and safety of the students in the school and the school cannot eliminate the disruption or cure the health or safety issues in another manner, the principal reserves the right to deny exemption and enforce the requirements of the Student Dress Code and Appearance policy.

Physical Education Dress

Students are required to dress out and participate in daily PE activities; students are only exempt with a doctor’s note excusing them from physical activity.  Parents will receive information from the PE department regarding rules and regulations.